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teral measurements on initial visit 44%; small cuff available 41%; > or = 2 readings in patients with atrial fibrillation 38%; > or = 2 readings on one visit 20%; cuff deflation rate of 2 mmHg/pulse 14%; large cuff available 13%; check accuracy of monitor used for home visit 8%; waiting time > or = 5 minute 3%; readings from the arm with the higher BP 1%. [Knowledge about BP monitor, 2 items] appropriate size bladder: length 11%; width 11%. [Check of sphygmomanometer for leakage, inflate to 200 mmHg then close valve for 1 minute] leakage or =10 mm Hg and 34.2% (n = 512) exhibited a discrepancy of > or =20 mm Hg. No differences between invasive and noninvasive blood pressure measurements were noted in patients either with or without inotropic support (-6.6 + 7.2 vs. -8.6 + 6.8 mm Hg; not significant). CONCLUSION: The oscillometric blood pressure measurement significantly underestimates ar!

Recalling work on Aliens with Jim Cameron, she said, “We knew that the Alien queen would be a disaster, not withstanding Stan Winston’s incredible work, if we didn’t get her voice right. …Aliens would not have been the same (without the sound team).”

LAM 100/Marshall F-88: accuracy and precision of a new device for discontinuous finger blood pressure measurement.

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ociation signals were not consistent across all the BP phenotypes, whether compared by genes or by physiological pathways. The top SNPs in WNK1, ADRA1A, ADRA1B, DRD1, NOS1 and PON3 showed significant sex interaction for BP and when analysed separately by sex showed evidence of dimorphism with opposite direction of effect for the same allele in the two sexes. CONCLUSION: In the largest study of its kind, we show that sex and BP measurement methods have a significant impact on association signals. These findings might explain previous inconsistencies in studies on cardiovascular candidate genes and should have major implications for the design and interpretation of association studies.

Directed by: J.J. Abrams

ients (82%). Clinical patency was 63% (standard error [SE], 6%) after 1 year, 56% (SE, 7%) after 2 years, and 46% (SE, 9%) after 3 years. When technical failures were included, the patency rate at duplex US was 58% (SE, 6%) after 1 year, 40% (SE, 7%) after 2 years, and 33% (SE, 8%) after 3 years. The patency rate at arteriography was 53% (SE, 7%) after 1 year, 33% (SE, 7%) after 2 years, and 30% (SE, 8%) after 3 years. When arteriographic examination was considered the standard of reference, diagnostic accuracy in the identification of recurrent lesions was 94% at duplex US (kappa = 0.88) and 74% at clinical examination (kappa = 0.51). CONCLUSION: Rates of restenosis or occlusion detected at follow-up with duplex US and arteriography were comparable. However, clinical examination alone helped detect fewer cases of recurrent disease.

9.) The leather bracelet has become a big trend this season. Leather bracelets can be worn casually and they can be worn for an evening out too in lieu of your watch or a bunch of gold bracelets. The leather bracelet can also be bundled with your gold bracelets as a total look. Leather bracelets embellished with crystals and chains or just plain with a snap or a hook. There is one for every personality. One of my favorites is by Gorjana and has a gold toggle closure on a leather strap. It is subtle, but interesting.

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Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Vienna, Austria.

Hypertension. 22(4):591-8, 1993 Oct.

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- Dead Cool for Halloween (26 September - 31 October); There will be Halloween pop-ups throughout the store, each stocking exclusive Halloween-themed product as part of our "Dead Cool" theme. There will be a Thrift Shop on G curated by Bay Garnett as homage to dead icons, an A.F. Vandevorst pop-up on 2, an installation in the Shoe Galleries on 2 by Dr Martens using Swarovski Elements, as well as Halloween inspired product from Maison du Posh, Alexander McQueen, Vivienne Westwood and more.

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